The skin is the largest organ of our body and carries out important functions, among which we remember: the maintenance of body temperature, the production of vitamin D, the maintenance of water balance and also represents the first defense barrier of our body against viruses and bacteria from the outside world.
Keeping the skin healthy is therefore not only an objective from an aesthetic point of view but above all a functional one.
There are innovative devices which, thanks to the presence of microcameras and ultrasensitive probes, allow the accurate evaluation of certain skin parameters such as:
• Hydration
• Elasticity
• Sebum
• Phototype
• pH
• dilated pores
• wrinkles and discolouration.
The data obtained can then be, upon request, stored and compared with subsequent measurements in order to evaluate the progress and progress obtained.
The San Carlo Pharmacy offers this type of service through the Soft FX skin analyzer which, thanks to its advanced technology, allows us to carry out a rapid, non-invasive and accurate analysis of the skin.
The use of this device allows us to choose a personalized skin care routine, i.e. one that can be targeted and decisive and based on different needs.
Come and visit us or write to us to book your exam!